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Pterogyne nitens Tulasne (yvyraro)
Nomenclature, etc. MIMOSACEAE. Trade name: yvyraro (PY); viraro, tipa colorada, tipa, tipila, palo mortero, cocal, ibiraro, palo rosa, palo coca (RA); amendoim, amendoim bravo, viraro (BR). Protection status under CITES: not protected.
Description based on 6 specimens. Tree. Geographic distribution region: Southern Brazil and temperate South America.
General features. Limits of distinct growth rings, microscopically the growth rings are demarcated by the marginal parenchyma (with 2–3 cells, sometimes discontinuous) where a widening of the rays can also be observed. Heartwood brown and reddish, uniform in color. Sapwood color distinct from heartwood color. Specific odor (barely noticeable). Basic specific weight: 0.77 g/cm 3.
Glasses. Glasses present. Diffuse porosity wood. Vessels arranged in a non-specific pattern, grouped together, usually in short radial groups (of 2–3 vessels) and in nests (clusters). Rim of round glasses. Two different diameter classes of absent vessels. Average tangential diameter of the vessels: 120–160 µm. Average tangential diameter of large vessels. Average number of vessels/mm 2very few and few. Simple drilling plates. Alternate intervascular pits, average diameter (vertical) of intervascular pits: 5–7 µm, Average diameter (vertical) of small, ornamented intervascular pits. Radiovascular pits with distinct areolas, similar to intervascular pits, of uniform size and type, of the same type in adjacent elements, located throughout the entire radius. Spiral thickenings absent. Tyloses in vessels absent. Other deposits in heartwood vessels present, brown to black organic substances.
Fibers and tracheids. Vascular or vasicentric tracheids sporadic to absent. Fiber walls of medium thickness. Fiber pits mostly restricted to the radial walls, simple or with tiny areolas. Thickenings in spirals absent. Non-septate fibers. Presence of gelatinous cells (tension wood).
Axial parenchyma. Axial parenchyma present, in bands and not in bands. Marginal (or apparently marginal) axial parenchyma bands, thin, up to 3 cells wide. Paratracheal axial parenchyma. Vasicentric and confluent paratracheal. Axial parenchyma in series. Average number of cells per axial parenchyma series: 2–4. Non-lignified parenchyma absent. Aliform paratracheal parenchyma present, but not characteristic; the parenchyma in direct contact with the vessels, generally 4 serial.
Radios. Rays present, number of rays per mm: 7–10, multiseriate, also when very few, with 2–3 cells wide, multiseriate commonly 2–3 serial. Rays with the multiseriate part of equal width as the uniseriate part absent. Added radios absent. Rays of one size. Height of large spokes up to 500 µm. Rays composed of a single type of cells. Cells of the procumbent homocellular rays. Enveloping cells absent. Tile-like cells absent. Perforated radio cells absent. Disjunctive radio cell end walls indistinct or absent.
Stratification. Stratified structure present, all rays stratified, axial parenchyma stratified, vessel elements stratified, fibers stratified. Arrangement of regular strata (horizontal or straight). Number of strata per axial mm 3–4. On the radial side, it is observed that the rays found in areas of parenchyma cells are generally triseriate and larger in appearance.
Secretory structures. Oleiferous and mucilaginous cells absent. Absent intercellular channels. Lacticiferous or tanniniferous tubes absent.
Variants of the cambium. Phloem even absent. Other cambium variants absent.
Mineral substances. Crystals present, prismatic, located in ray cells and axial parenchyma cells. Crystalliferous cells of the rays: procumbent. Crystals in the cells of the procumbent rays not in radial chains. Crystalliferous cells of the axial parenchyma septate. Number of crystals per cell or chamber: one. Crystalliferous cells of normal size. Cystolites absent. Greater occurrence of crystals in radial, septate and non-septate marginal cells. Silica not observed.
Physical and chemical tests. Fluorescent heartwood (light yellow fluorescence, sometimes in bands). Non-fluorescent aqueous extract. Aqueous extract basically without coffee color or coffee tones. Strata not washable in contact with water. Non-fluorescent ethanol extract. Basically colorless ethanol extract